Casting On: Minimalist Cardigan by Ruthie Nussbaum

I have more or less gotten most of the knitting projects finished that I have been working on (fish for blanket, scarf thing, hemp shopping bag <----need to finish straps), so it is time to cast on a new project!

Once upon a time, I decided that I was going to make someone a sweater. I settled on a good friend that was just entering grad school to become an acupuncturist. I was going to finish that sweater for her and present it to her upon graduation day, come hell or high water. Fast forward approximately 3-4 years later. That friend of mine has graduated. In fact she just left for a 3 month adventure in China. Guess what wasn't packed in her suitcase...a sweater that I made. D'oh!

So, now I will attempt to knit a sweater for my buddy (we'll call her Needles from here on out, with the acupuncture and all that) while she is away on her adventures in China. Three months from now, upon her homecoming, Needles will be presented with a sweater (dare I say it?) come hell or high water (oh, snap, I said it)!

I will be knitting the Minimalist Cardigan by Ruthie Nussbaum which was printed in Interweave Knits magazine (Fall 2007). Here is a pic:

Here we go...


Dyeforsocks1965 said…
So you are saying that you don't have about 8 projects going at the same time? Newbie! LOL.
theresa said…
Trying to keep the WIP list small these days.:).

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