good morning, muffin

The last few days, I have been attempting to get myself (& the hubs) into a better breakfast routine. This is my first week of working at home (yay!), which has made the coffee drive-thru soy-latte-and-blueberry scone-or bagel-a day habit something that needs to be given up. As much as I will miss getting scone crumbs all over myself and my car, this is a welcome change.
Along with making sure we're both getting "the most important meal of the day", making breakfast at home helps lessen the rush of snooze button pressing, showering, and heading out the door to hit the road. I am definitely NOT a morning person, so setting this up as a routine where the hubs and I work together to make delicious food while chatting a bit helps me have a bit more motivation to drag my butt out of bed.
Plus, getting us both set up with food and coffee in the morning will help us avoid hitting that coffee drive-thru a block away from the house. This is a good thing, since we are working on spending less money these days (this budget don't budge, baby!). I added up my spending on caffeine and pastries on a typical stressful week of the past and I was spending $25 a week just on a rushed breakfast. Cha-ching. That's not to say that I will be giving up my soy hazelnut lattes completely. A girl needs a treat every now and then, no?
Pictured above are a couple of our new breakfast staples...vegan apple bran muffins (from How It All Vegan cookbook) and an "Anything Goes Berry Shake with spirulina" (also from How It All Vegan). The spirulina makes the shake green, which is also kinda' cool (yep, I am easily amused).


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