Is my thumb green yet?

A few days ago, I realized that I haven't really written about our garden in the backyard much at all. While not as experimental as my indoor windowsill garden attempts in our old apartment, the new backyard garden is still quite the learning experience for me. Especially since I have no idea what I am doing.

We are following Mel Bartholomew's square foot gardening method and learning about it all from a book that I received for the holidays last year. It's been great so far, especially since our backyard is not all that big, and I would eventually like to do more landscaping with flowers and such. This method allows us to grow a bunch of stuff in a very small amount of space, as you'll see from these pictures.

I learned my lesson about thinning my sprouts from this first crop. As you might be able to see from the photo above, some of my radishes are rather puny and thin. I didn't have the heart to pull something out of the ground that worked so hard to get there. I did thin out my pole bean and bush beans, though. I also went ahead and clipped a few from the cauliflower squares today, too. We'll see if it helps or hinders at this point in the game.

All in all it has been a blast. I am absolutely loving the whole "growing stuff" thing.

We'll be slowly harvesting this spring time crop for the rest of this month, and replacing what we take out with some summer time veggies. I have a few seeds started for pickling cucumbers (an adventure in itself if they grow), eggplants, and bell peppers. I have a bunch of space for other things, too. I might even see if I can grow some things through the winter as well.

Here's to veggies!


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